At EG2 Arquitectos we work continuously to promote web accessibility, understood as digital equality, in which any user has the same conditions of access to our website and applications, regardless of their individual capabilities. With this objective in mind, we always try to comply with the WCAG guidelines on web accessibility.

To do this, we include certain features in our content, such as keyboard support, appropriate colour contrast, textual alternatives to images, pre-recorded audio, etc.

For the same reason, we also try to keep these features updated on our websites and applications, precisely so that people with visual, hearing or cognitive disabilities (dyslexia, autism, deafness, cerebral palsy, colour blindness, etc.) do not experience difficulties in reading or understanding their content.

Measures that make the content of our website and applications accessible:

  • Correct heading and properly organised structure of the content.
  • Semantic markup for proper navigation, complying with HTML and CSS standards.
  • Change of text size that does not destructure or make the website unintelligible.
  • Descriptive names on all links.
  • A content management system (CMS) that supports website accessibility.
  • Colours that contrast sufficiently to be distinguished by the visually impaired.
  • Alternative texts on the images so that screen readers can read them easily and understand them in context.
  • Forms created in a clear and simple way, following the guidelines for easy and accessible reading for people with intellectual disabilities.
  • In short, ease of access to all content, both static and dynamic.

Some parts of the website and applications do not comply with all these measures, and we are committed to continue working to ensure that any user is able to access and understand any type of content.

In any case, until this universal access becomes a reality, we provide access to all information through our customer service and incidents hotline 960 030 180 or through our email